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DG17 Available Now !

New Features And Highlights

Innovations to speed up and simplify your digitizing!

Update & Upgrade Special : 20% Off DG17

Create top quality designs and ensure they turn into top quality final products.

-Configure and save machine settings within your design file with PXF files / Presserfoot, iTM, Machine Messages and RPM.

-Work with Tajima’s recommended machine format (TCF) / For optimal production quality.

-New Features to make 3D foam a breeze / For use on hats!

Innovations to speed up and simplify your digitizing!

-Faster Flyout Menus: to speed up your work.

– Action Symbols: for quick edits and changes.

-Resequence from Right Click: easily make changes.

-Select Multiple Nodes Across Segments: do all your changes at once.

New features to maximize creativity. 

-Fractal Fill: for both beads and sequins.

-Variable Stitch Width: for when you need a rough and random look.

-Evolve: feature to gradually turn one shape into another. 

-Sun Stitch: for fashionable designs. 

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