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Logo - Machines à broder industrielles pour professionnels Tajima Europe
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The Maison Mode Mediterranee (MMMM) is pleased to announce that together with our partner, Tajima Europe, we have chosen OKTHEIN, who was Laureate, one of winners from Open My Med Prize 2017, to make a design with Tajima Embroidery machines.
Montage bag
Workshop Studio Ariga

Endowment : Open My Med Prize and Tajima Europe

After 6 months of exchanges with Tajima team, the Egyptian twin OKTHEN went to Milan on December 18, 2017 to launch their project to make embroidery designs on their hand bag.

With Tajima Italian technical team in Milan, OKTHEIN was able to launch into production of their prototype hand bag by transferring pattern to digital data, by cutting leather pieces with Tajima laser machine, and by embroidering with latest technics of Tajima embroidery machines.


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