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Tajima fashion Tech Prize

Tajima Fashion Tech Prize

Tajima Fashion Tech Prize 2022/2023 edition

This prize results of an association with the Maison Mode Méditerranée Endowment Funds and Tajima, and it is awarded in order to enhance knowledge and changes in the fashion industry with a financial and strategic support grant for 2 years (2022/2023). The Tajima Fashion Tech prize rewards the artistic and technical actualization of an artisanal embroidery project, applied to the high-end technology developed by Tajima. The award winner of Tajima Fashion Tech Prize of 2022/2023 is Marija Kulusic from Croatia. This prize enables Marija to devote herself to the embroidery industry technology and gives her the chance to develop a prototype for her future collection. This support will be realized in cooperation with Studio Auriga located near Milan, who has the largest Tajima’s showroom in the world.


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