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Machine à broder

Embroidery machines

Logiciel Pulse

Pulse Software

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Machine a broder industrielle mono tete machine full


The TLMX special type multi-head embroidery machine combines both special and standard equipment, with taping and coiling embroidery, cords, zigzag swing stitch embroidery. Put all your creative talent to use to create incredible embroidery !


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General characteristics

Professional embroidery machine TLMX

TLMX type Mix

The mixed type series, integrating lock-stitch chenille embroidery heads and standard embroidery heads in pairs! High-performance models in drastic pursuit of functionality and operability

Séries TLMX 100 / T00

100 Series is specialized for embroidery with Iock stitch chenille embroidery heads. T00 series is also available with 2 Iock stitch chenille heads positioned in pairs.

TLMX type triple mix

The triple mixed type joins two lock-stitch chenille embroidery heads and a standard embroidery head! Your embroidery variations will be expanded, using a maximum of 4 kinds of materials.

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